Super content box demo
This works pretty well :). It uses IE's proprietary CSS extension 'expression()' to manually calculate the correct height and width (as IE doesn't do that automatically). It automatically updates when resizing, too. I could have done it with CSS alone as well (albeit IE-specific hacky CSS), were it not that when IE renders a scrollbar, it includes the border and the margin in the scrolling area as well >.<, and that IE doesn't scroll when no specific height is given.
Click to resize |
Start moving |
Start sizing
Click to show/hide more text
So, amusing enough, the auto width and height on absolute positioning was blocking only one of the approaches (the most obvious one). I came up with two other means to achieve the desired effect, not using absolute positioning, and for those, too, I was blocked by CSS dysfunctionalities in IE. Arrh.
Another one, IE also renders the background into the border, while it should only do so up till the padding - Not that I am using that here, but stuff like that, it shows that them Microsoft guys apparantly have significant trouble reading the specs -_-;;…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra ante vitae libero. Fusce auctor, purus vel elementum rhoncus, augue nibh eleifend enim, eget venenatis massa mauris at massa. Quisque sollicitudin ligula quis neque. Donec magna massa, aliquam id, ultricies facilisis, blandit vel, nibh. Ut laoreet tincidunt eros. Mauris massa. Nunc laoreet ligula eget felis. Aenean sed mauris. Sed scelerisque laoreet elit. Proin malesuada semper nulla. Nullam pharetra metus et lorem. Ut non orci. Pellentesque quis dolor ut nisl laoreet ultrices.