Band pass filters by Tantek Çelik

Back when IE5 was still considered an important browser to support, Tantek Çelik, of CSS and Microsoft fame, created some ‘band pass filters’ to let web developers easily include a CSS file only in specific versions of Internet Explorer 5. Although nowadays of limited use, they are reproduced here nevertheless:

IE5.0 Win Band Pass filter

@media tty {
 i{content:"\";/*" "*/}}; @import 'ie50winbandpass.css'; {;}/*";}
}/* */


IE5.5 Win Band Pass filter

@media tty {
 i{content:"\";/*" "*/}}@m; @import 'ie55winbandpass.css'; /*";}
}/* */


IE5.x Win Band Pass filter

@media tty {
 i{content:"\";/*" "*/}} @import 'ie5xwinbandpass.css'; /*";}
}/* */


IE5 Mac Band Pass filter

/*\*//*/@import "ie5macbandpass.css";/**/

