MSX DOS 3 project
Misc. ideas
Scheduling: uses round-robin scheduling for processes with the same priority.
Some thoughts about properties of processes (interrupts) needing real-time scheduling (from Rate-monotonic scheduling): The basic principle is that if all processes (tasks, threads) to be scheduled have:
- Strict deadlines
- No data dependencies (process x does not transmit data to process y which y are in turn dependent of)
- No resource sharing (processes x and y will not try to use the same resource, e.g. a hardware resource)
- Deterministic periodicity
- Statically scheduled (priorities does not change during execution)
Nice wiki about OS stuff: OS-FAQ Wiki
Very educational Microsoft reference and probably quite applicable to MSX: About Processes and Threads
Good text search algo: Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Just a note in case I need it, I don’t think this would ever be in the OS itself :).