Grauw’s blog

Firefox in Dutch

December 4th, 2004

The Dutch translation of Firefox is out.

Finally! :) I joined the Mozilla-NL translation team for Firefox 1.0, and the last month or so we have been busy getting everything translated properly. Hopefully for the next release we will be more on time. In any case, I think the translation turned out well, I’m using it myself and am quite happy with it. So if you like having your software in Dutch, or you want your mother or little brother or grandpa to feel comfortable with a browser in their own language, you can download it at the link above.

And if you do, check the credits in ‘Over Mozilla Firefox’, my name is in there too ^_^. Together with my colleagues (in alphabetical order): Gert-Paul van der Beek, Tim Maks van den Broek, Anne van Kesteren and Martijn Ras.


